The Rise of User Experience Design

Allocate Resources Effectively & Intentionally By Outlining The Bigger Picture

The Rise of User Experience Design
October 28, 2015 David Tan
In Featured, UX Design

Allocate Resources Effectively & Intentionally By Outlining The Bigger Picture

The importance of user experience design is growing. As companies look more and more to technical solutions to solve their problems, the need to make these processes efficient, effective, and easy to use is crucial to the longevity & success of their product.

You wouldn’t write a paper at university without first writing an outline. User Experience design is that outline. Understand how you want the product to work, from beginning to end, before you invest expensive development hours.

It’s not surprising that many of these technical applications are complex and expensive to create. That’s precisely why investing in the upfront process, information architecture and how users experience the product is so crucial. User Experience design is a strategic method that helps avoid expensive revisions down the line. User research can be added to various segments in the process.

Imagine having to rebuild a product multiple times, due to unforeseen aspects of how people interact with the product, or due to a lack of communication in the development process. By leaving things to chance, it could double or even triple your expenses. Or worse, leave you in a position where improvements or completion of the product are just not possible due to scope creep and funding limitations.

Human interaction and behavior is not a math. People are complex creatures. As each variable in a user experience changes, unforeseen consequences can arise like a domino effect. There are no perfect solutions the first time around. Great interfaces are an evolution and require a discovery process that allows for a corrective course. The magic sauce is fluid discussion and user testing. Getting interactive, low fidelity prototypes in front of users allows UX teams to identify what’s working, and what’s not. It also allows for “A-B” experimentation, to find more effective solutions.

By focusing on the process and development of quick, iterative, interactive mockups, we’re able to keep discovery costs low, while being able to sketch out the most fluid path to a solution. By understanding the big picture, a company can invest it’s resources effectively and intentionally. Great application design is reliant on strong communication between departments, management, creative, development and most of all, it’s users.

Align your company’s goals with solving your users needs. Then invest your development dollars appropriately.


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